“The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ. Some of us are Jews, some are Gentiles, some are slaves, and some are free. But we have all been baptized into one body by one Spirit, and we all share the same Spirit.”
— 1 Corinthians 12:12-14 (NLT)
A mission team gathers together for devotions in East Africa. A member of the team passes out small, wooden puzzle pieces that each behold the name of another team member. After some intentional time of prayer for that person, the team leader invites the team to collectively use their pieces to create a puzzle. The assembled puzzle is a beautiful image of a fish – an early emblem of Christianity in the first century. It’s a fitting representation of the Body of Christ, each member with their own unique gifts and contribution in the fulfillment of Jesus’ commission to make disciples of all nations and to be his witness to the ends of the earth.
Members from the Old Capitol UMC team pose near a water purifier during training
This mission team’s exercise is quite simple, yet profoundly symbolic of New Life International’s ministry with churches, organizations, and individuals throughout the world. For two decades, teams from all over have enthusiastically installed over 4,000 McGuire Water Purification Systems in more than 80 countries. These numbers continue to rise and the spread of the Gospel has ceaselessly multiplied! Despite this significant impact, we know that our efforts are but a small puzzle piece in the midst of God’s larger mission and work in the world. We have the joy of joining with other partners like you to take safe water and abundant life to the ends of the earth.
Teams are often comprised of different ages, churches, and callings. The team that is traveling for mission in East Africa involves individuals from four different churches led by Old Capitol United Methodist Church. They have united together in their mission to take Living Water to a thirsty world. Team members have taken the time to pray, discern, and receive training. It has been a cross-generational effort as students from their youth ministry visited New Life International to learn about missions and the purifier. As part of their time, the students also prayed over and blessed the purifier that was to be deployed to East Africa. This week, that same purifier is being installed by adult members of these same churches where dozens of children and families will be impacted daily.
Are you the missing puzzle piece?
We have purifiers ready to deploy and change lives throughout the world, but it is churches, organizations, and individuals like you who are the missing puzzle piece in our work. You have the connections, conviction, and calling needed to reach people who do not yet have safe water or the life-saving message of the Gospel. Who will be on your team? Where will you go? What community could receive the Gospel for the very first time? How will lives be changed?