Safe Water for People in Need

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On the urgency of the 25 for 25 initiative
“As we bring safe water into these prisons, we are not only meeting a critical need but also providing an opening for the gospel to reach some of the most broken lives in the world.”

- “Leo” Jiménez, Regional Manager of NLI

The Problem

  • A quarter of the world’s population lacks safe drinking water

  • A third don’t have access to soap and safe water

  • Two-thirds have not heard or accepted the Gospel of Jesus Christ

The solution: bring hope and healing to a world in need through innovative technology and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Our Impact

Since 1998, New Life International has deployed our technology to just over 80 countries around the world. Through these tools, many people have heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a new way or for the first time. With your help, we can continue this work and broaden the ripple in our third decade of ministry.


Jesus replied, “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.”

— John 4:10 (NLT)