Earlier this year, before the pandemic began, we wrote to you about an exciting new opportunity in Ecuador to bring the people safe and Living Water. As recounted, NLI is no stranger to the Ecuadorian people. Our founders Byron and Yvonne served as missionaries there in the late 1960’s and early 70’s. Upon returning to their home in southern Indiana, they began the ministry of New Life on their family farm. In 1998 it became the 501(c)3 nonprofit mission, New Life International, bringing water purification and the Living Water to the world. God has been stirring and developing new relationships in Ecuador beginning in 2016 following an earthquake near Manta. The relationships have deepened since that time and the last six months in particular have not been idle time for our latest Ecuadorian project in the Amazon Basin.
Earlier this year, before the pandemic began, we wrote to you about an exciting new opportunity in Ecuador to bring the people safe and Living Water. As recounted, NLI is no stranger to the Ecuadorian people. Our founders Byron and Yvonne served as missionaries there in the late 1960’s and early 70’s. Upon returning to their home in southern Indiana, they began the ministry of New Life on their family farm. In 1998 it became the 501(c)3 nonprofit mission, New Life International, bringing water purification and the Living Water to the world. God has been stirring and developing new relationships in Ecuador beginning in 2016 following an earthquake near Manta. The relationships have deepened since that time and the last six months in particular have not been idle time for our latest Ecuadorian project in the Amazon Basin.
This very remote region is isolated due to the jungle and Andes Mountains and safe water is not available. The natural features have not only served as a shield from modern technology, it has also been a barrier for the outreach of the Gospel. Therefore, the seeds are being planted, and with your help, the harvest is on the horizon. Thank you so much for your generous support! With your gifts this project has continued to move forward.
Over the last six months, plans have shifted based on the travel restrictions that arose in March due to COVID-19. Instead of an NLI Team USA traveling to assist with the launch of outreach in this new area, the team had to get creative. Even despite the setbacks, Clever Mashiant, leader of the Shuar tribe and NLI’s contact in the Amazon Basin region of Ecuador, has been working with Team Ecuador. Clever has important connections with tribal leaders and elders throughout the area and this has been critical in developing the project. NLI will send ten systems initially to reach ten villages of two different tribes – the Shuar & Ashuar. The hope is to eventually reach up to 150 villages of these tribes and expand to the neighboring Waorani tribe as well. Clever has personally ventured to meet with and evaluate each site for the villages that will be initially served. Water towers and other structures have been built to house the water purification systems. And now, the team moves toward the shipment of ten systems and installations at each proposed site.
Ten systems are a significant undertaking, but this is just the beginning. The Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador covers a land mass four-fifths the size of Indiana, so this region is vast and will require an equally sized effort with involvement on many different levels over the course of several years. From the solar power utilized due to a lack of electricity to the uncommon transportation methods necessary for moving equipment to remote villages, these projects will be unconventional in almost every way and the cost for each site will be over and above that of a typical installation. To undertake an endeavor like this, we need your help to reach those in need. Your financial support will not only help us complete ten water purification installations guaranteed to change lives, it will also lay a solid foundation for the Gospel to be shared and transform villages across the Amazon Basin of Ecuador. And while there are many unknowns, one thing is for certain… our team feels called to this endeavor, and with your partnership, we can strive in faith to reach our goals.
You can donate via mail or waterfortheworld.org/give. Thank you!