When Duvon McGuire first envisioned bringing safe water to uttermost parts of the world, he hoped to bring transformational change, too. But the impact has been even greater than he ever expected.

For over two decades the McGuire Water Purification System has provided thousands with the gift of safe water through the simple, yet profound, technology packed into its design. As time has passed, more unexpected applications of the system have been discovered and developed beyond just water purification, including the creation of disinfectant, and more recently, wound healing solutions. Many hospitals and clinics around the world do not have access to safe water, much less wound healing solutions, so the new developments have been major breakthroughs.
Just over a year ago, Lance Edwards from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe contacted Duvon regarding our water purification system. Thanks to the generosity of Rich Potterf, who sponsored our systems in Zimbabwe, Lance was interested in using the water purification systems to produce hypochlorous acid for purposes of healing wounds that are often difficult to mend. Much thought and research by the New Life International Product Innovation Center went into the effort, and eventually the breakthroughs began to happen. The NLI Product Innovation Center’s main focus is to produce and enhance life-changing technology that can be used as effective tools in Gospel-sharing. As a result of their work, there have been many successfully treated wounds. Here is one particular example well worth sharing:
“Meet Mr. Nyoni. He is diabetic and had an abscess on his foot. He was told by several doctors to prepare for amputation because the foot was dead. The diabetic specialist asked me to see him. He had three very resistant organisms in his wound. His wound was irrigated with hypochlorous acid from March until last week when it was completely healed. He is praising God! If I was still buying hypochlorous acid in South Africa, he wouldn’t have been able to afford it!” – Elizabeth Edwards, Mr. Nyoni’s doctor
For individuals like Mr. Nyoni, wounds are often susceptible to harmful biofilms which serve as barriers that prevent wounds from healing properly. Hypochlorous acid can effectively dissolve the majority of these biofilms thus becoming widely used by those in the medical field.
Unfortunately, medical-grade hypochlorous acid has a very short shelf-life, not to mention it is expensive and completely unaffordable for the most vulnerable patients in the developing world. The McGuire Water Purification system now has the ability to produce life-changing hypochlorous acid which provides an important, additional resource for the communities we serve.
The NLI Innovation Center will launch and deploy a new system specifically designed and tested to automatically produce a hypochlorous acid wound healing solution in the coming weeks. Initial units will be sent to Nepal where the need is great. We invite you to partner with us as we seek to bring innovative technology and Living Water that will help more people like Mr. Nyoni. We believe with the right partners thousands and thousands of lives can be transformed forever. Will you join us?