The narrative of the Bible is filled with relationship, a constant theme highlighted from beginning to end. God established His purposes through relationship with people at the beginning of time. Of course, mankind revolted and the full relationship with God was fragmented, but from that moment onward, God has constantly been seeking new ways to re-establish that full and right relationship with us. Ultimately, Jesus was miraculously sent in human flesh in the ultimate display of determination and His sacrifice on the cross has made possible the relationship God intended. Today, He seeks to build relationship with others through us in our call to love our neighbor and make disciples of all nations.
At New Life International we understand the significance of this mandate and the importance of relationship. For without strategic Kingdom partnerships and meaningful relationships with Jesus and people, we know that our ministry would not bear fruit. As Steven Uhde, Coordinator of Training and Field Operations, has said, “At the end of the day, we don’t sit next to a water purifier, we sit next to and lock arms with the people who are impacted by them.” We not only pour safe water, we also pour into the lives of those we serve in hopes that entire communities will receive the Gospel and experience abundant life.
The number of connections developed over the last two decades are innumerable and only eternity will reveal the impact of each. One such relationship can be found in our link with Tim Petty, founder of Renewable Hope, a ministry based out of Pendleton, Indiana. NLI has been connected with Tim and Renewable Hope in some form for over a decade. It is through our relationship with this great organization that NLI connected with Missions.Me, a new partner organization, to equip and train teams for the installation of seven water purification systems in Peru. Missions.Me sends missionaries from all over the United States every two years. Past missions included Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic.
Steven was directly involved with an installation that took place near Tarapoto in the Amazon Highlands in June 2019. It is through the installation process that he met and fostered a relationship with Pastor Jonatán, his wife, Milagros, and their nine-year-old son, Danila. Despite some obstacles that led to relocating the site of the water purification system, the Missions.Me team persevered and, as a result, the people of Nuevo Horizonte now have the capacity for 900 gallons of safe water. More importantly, as the purifier was being installed, Steven also witnessed the preaching of the Gospel and encouragement of the saints. Hallelujah! None of this would have been possible without the divine appointments and relationships that we seek to foster at NLI. As we build a culture of relationship, we invite you to consider the possibility of initiating or deepening your own relationship with us. How will we seek God’s Kingdom and righteousness together?